On Friday 20th of June, in celebration of
Refugee Week, the
Braybrook Community Centre hosted a debate on the topic, "
That it is harder for young refugees to make Australia their home than adults"
All of the speakers had come to Australia as refugees, and the audience was given an insight into both the refugee experience and generational difference. Free Debate provided coaches to both teams to ensure that the debate was fair, fun and fast-paced.

In support of the motion was a team of adults: Cuc, Mesert and Duku (pictured with their coaches Roland and Rob). Against the motion were a team of students from Braybrook High School: Monaliza, Bishara and Malaang, coached by Lucia.
One highlight was Duku's impersonation of an image obsessed teenager, right down to the dance moves. Also memorable were Bishara's arguments about how teenagers experiment with drugs and alcohol, each sentence finishing with the statement "not that I do."
The team of students won narrowly and Free Debate would like to congratulate all speakers on an engaging and informative debate. Free Debate would also like to acknowledge the hard work and grace under fire of Kiemi Lai, Engaged Communities Coordinator of the
Western Bulldogs and roving interviewer on the night of the debate.