Tuesday, August 08, 2000

Free Debate Services

Please see About for more information on Free Debate.

Free Consulting
Free Debate will help with all aspects of your debating. If you’re involved in a community programme and would like to include a public debate, a debating programme or even a debating competition, we can help you. We can help organise your event or programme by providing contacts and resources to ensure your event or programme is successful.

If you’re running a community welfare programme, a public debate can be a great way to increase awareness of complex issues in an entertaining forum. FreeDebate can give you contacts and advice on all aspects of holding a public debate from venue management to choosing speakers and debating formats.

A debating skills programme can also be a good way to help your community with valuable language and public speaking skills. For example, Free Debate recently ran a short course in public speaking skills for the Sudanese migrant community. We can handle most age groups and varying language and mental skills. We’ll also tailor the course to suit your needs.

If you’re a new debating co-ordinator, we can help take you through all aspects of your new responsibilities. We can give you contacts and advice on how to manage your students and teams and help get you up to speed with topic preparation. We may also be able to provide coaching services for inexperienced students and contacts for ongoing coaching.

If you’re running a debating competition, it can be very hard to take account of all the competing interests that go into a successful tournament. Free Debate can provide advice and support for your tournament. Take advantage of our experience and contacts.

Free Coaching
Free Debate’s strength is the debating experience of its members. We’ll work with you to run effective training sessions for your speakers. We can provide the coaching directly, or help you in organising your own training programmes.

Coaching services range from one-off courses for beginner students to advanced “train-the-trainer” courses for coaches and co-ordinators. The ideal course for a group of new debaters is probably a series of seminars and trial debates over a number of weeks.