Thursday, June 07, 2012

Working with Teach for Australia associates

We are proud to work with Teach for Australia - an organisation dedicated to closing the education gap for disadvantaged kids (did you know that the least advantaged kids in Australian schools lag two and a half years behind the most privileged?).

Our main role with TFA is "train the trainer" - training teachers to coach debating teams and use debating in their classrooms. Sometimes we are also able to help out at an individual school - like Fairhills High School in Knoxfield, Melbourne. Recently one of our most experienced FD trainers, Lynne Featonby, and a TFA associate teamed up and coached a Fairhills junior team to its first victory! Well done to all concerned, especially the members of the team.

Partner Profile: Adult Multicultural Education Services

Over the years, many Free Debaters have had the pleasure of working with the students and teachers at AMES. They are among our most engaged and enthusiastic debaters and public speakers. We are looking forward to running another program for AMES in Term 3 this year. For 60 years AMES has helped new and recently arrived refugees and migrants to settle in to Victoria. AMES teaches English to new arrivals, but also works with the community, business and Government to develop sustainable and effective settlement solutions for the whole Victorian community. We are proud to be a small part of helping AMES achieve its vision: "full participation for all in a cohesive and diverse society".