Sunday, November 30, 2008

Confidence training for Asylum Seekers

In line with Free Debate's commitment to assisting the under-privileged, Free Debate ran a training course for asylum seekers. The purpose of the course was to assist asylum seekers to develop confidence and clear public speaking skills.

The course ran on Wednesay nights for four weeks at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Free Debate trained 12 newly-arrived asylum seekers from countries such as Sri Lanka, Cameroon and Pakistan. Participants debated several topics including a thorough and interesting debate on the merits of prisoners being able to vote. The group also recieved practical training on negotiation skills and engaged in useful training exercises.

Free Debate looks forward to new opportunities to work with asylum seekers. Also, many thanks to the participants, Michelle Newton and the ASRC for their help in this collaboration.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Monash Radio Interview

Free Debate's Lucia Pietropaoli and Rob Koh took part in an interview on Radio Monash's "The Dirt" as a follow up to our help with the Refugee Week Exhibition Debate back in July.

We were also lucky enough to be joined by participants Cuc and Meseret and organiser Kiemi Lai from the Western Bulldogs' Engaged Communities.

Click here for the interview (for a short time only!)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Youth Parliament!

Free Debate trainers Lynne Featonby and Kim Little assisted teams representing the Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre and the Victorian Arabic Social Services to prepare for the sitting of Youth Parliament.

The Spectrum Team of 6 participants proposed a bill to increase and tailor the provision of English language services to children and young people who have recently arrived in Australia. The VASS team, also numbering 6 members, prepared a bill to tighten restrictions in advertising, particularly regarding alcohol and sexual imagery.

Both teams worked hard on their bills and overcame anxiety and nerves to display real improvements in their presentation skills in only a few weeks. The Spectrum team succeeded in securing the passage of their bill. Both teams enjoyed their participation in Youth Parliament and a member of the Spectrum team received an honourable mention for her speech.

Free Debate congratulates both teams on their hard work, progress and achievements. Free Debate thanks Hala Abdelnour at Spectrum MRC and Lisa Tribuzio at VASS for their enthusiasm and support of their teams.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hiroshima & Tokyo Debate Seminars

Building on the success of the recent Spring Seminar2008, and with the generous support of the Australia-Japan Foundation, Free Debate sent coach Rob Koh to Hiroshima and Tokyo.

Rob assisted delivering a one-day introductory seminar to local and exchange school students in Hiroshima, debating the very serious topic That This House Would Abolish the Death Penalty.

Following attendance at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony on 6 August, Rob attended the Tokyo International Academic Conference on Argumentation and then the Takadate Cup, a freshman university tournament hosted by Keio University, where Rob was a last minute entrant in the competition!

Finally, Rob conducted a 3-day Intensive Debate Camp (IDC) for university level debaters (pictured above), teachers and the Japanes National Schools Team, covering topics including economics, politics and cross-cultural communication. The camp was a great success and also allowed Rob to do some shopping in the famous Shimokita district!

Please contact us if you were a participant of IDC9 and would like a soft copy of the materials.

Free Debate would like to thank the generous support of Masako Suzuki for organising this itinerary and looking after Rob during his stay!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Refugee Week Exhibition Debate

On Friday 20th of June, in celebration of Refugee Week, the Braybrook Community Centre hosted a debate on the topic, "That it is harder for young refugees to make Australia their home than adults"

All of the speakers had come to Australia as refugees, and the audience was given an insight into both the refugee experience and generational difference. Free Debate provided coaches to both teams to ensure that the debate was fair, fun and fast-paced.

In support of the motion was a team of adults: Cuc, Mesert and Duku (pictured with their coaches Roland and Rob). Against the motion were a team of students from Braybrook High School: Monaliza, Bishara and Malaang, coached by Lucia.

One highlight was Duku's impersonation of an image obsessed teenager, right down to the dance moves. Also memorable were Bishara's arguments about how teenagers experiment with drugs and alcohol, each sentence finishing with the statement "not that I do."

The team of students won narrowly and Free Debate would like to congratulate all speakers on an engaging and informative debate. Free Debate would also like to acknowledge the hard work and grace under fire of Kiemi Lai, Engaged Communities Coordinator of the Western Bulldogs and roving interviewer on the night of the debate.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Free Debate Financial Accountability Principles

Free Debate is a not-for-profit organization.

Free Debate will employ high standards of prudence, probity and record-keeping in all financial dealings.

  1. Free Debate will administer any tied gifts, donations or grants fairly and transparently, including clear communication with both donors and recipients;
  2. Free Debate will ensure that we receive value for money and minimise costs (e.g. obtaining quotes) when incurring expenses;
  3. Free Debate will generally reimburse such expenses on presentation of acceptable receipts, but the Committee may authorise other expenditure (e.g. advances) where justified.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Call for Application for 2008 Hiroshima-Tokyo Debate Seminars Trainer

Free Debate Inc, is seeking an Australian debating coach to attend the 2008 Hiroshima-Tokyo Debate Seminars, from 4-14 August 2008.

Free Debate Incorporated, in cooperation with our Japanese partners, will send an Australian debating coach to Hiroshima and Tokyo in August 2008 to deliver a number of debating and communication skills seminars. The Seminars are supported by the Australian Commonwealth Government through the Australian-Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The programme will focus on high school and university students who have limited debating opportunities.

This exciting new project involves coaching both high school students and university debaters, as well as presenting and attending at a prestigious academic conference sponsored by the Japan Debate Association with the convention theme “Argumentation, the Law & Justice.” The coach selected will also have the opportunity to attend significant cultural events in Japan, such as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony as part of the project.

Main Elements of the Program:

For information about applying for this project, email Applications are due Friday 6th June 2008.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Free Debate Enabling Day 2

 Free Debate's second annual Enabling Day built on the success of last year's membership and training day. This year's highlights were guest speakers Melanie Tedja (new member) and Tim Sonnreich (Committee consultant).

President Kim Little welcomed new members with an introduction to Free Debate's history, aims and objectives, and then Rob Koh delivered a short presentation on the preparation, delivery and follow-up involved in all Free Debate projects.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about this year's Enabling Day.

Monday, March 03, 2008

JPDU Spring Seminar in Tokyo

The 2008 Spring Seminar, hosted by the Japanese Parliamentary Debating Union (JPDU) from 29 February until 2 March 2008, was an excellent and highly successful programme.

Four Australian coaches were funded by the Australia-Japan Foundation to attend the Spring Seminar. Nicole Lynch, Fiona Prowse, Jacob Clifton and Ivan Ah Sam, travelled to Tokyo and ran classes during the three days for over 150 Japanese university and high school debaters.

As well as providing an intensive opportunity for accelerated learning in debating, facilitiated through seminars and practice debates, the Spring Seminar provided a unique opportunity for cross-cultural exchange.

One coach said about the program:

"Japanese debaters are the most dedicated and hardest working debaters I have come across in my training career. They are extremely diligent and attentive during classes and it is a pleasure to work with them during the

We look forward to working with JPDU and the Australia-Japan Foundation in the future.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Application for 2008 JPDU Spring Seminar Trainer

JPDU, in cooperation with Free Debate Inc., is seeking Australian debating coaches to attend the 2008 Spring Seminar in Tokyo, from 29 February – 2 March 2008.

Japan Parliamentary Debate Union (JPDU) is a student-run organization that coordinates events for the advancement of Japanese debaters. It represents debating clubs from 40 universities. For the past five years JPDU has been inviting Australian debaters to Japan to train Japanese debaters at the JPDU Spring Seminar. The Australia-Japan Debaters Spring Seminar is supported by the Australian Commonwealth Government through the Australian-Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Free Debate will be selecting coaches in consultation with JPDU.

If you are an Australian debater and would like to be considered for a place on the 2008 training team, please provide a brief debating CV and a separate statement addressing the criteria set out below. This statement should be no longer than two pages. Please also provide a one page lesson plan as referred to in criterion [3].

All responses should be sent to with the subject line “JPDU Spring Seminar Application”. Responses must be submitted no later than 28 January 2008. Please note that selection is open to but not limited to members of Free Debate Inc.

If you have any questions about the Spring Seminar, please email JPDU representative Toshiaki Ikehara at

Selection criteria
[1] Significant training experience, preferably including experience training ESL speakers.

[2] A strong record in debating and/or adjudicating at an international level.

[3] The ability and capacity to develop a high quality, replicable training program (including a training plan and supporting materials). In addition to providing evidence of your relevant experience, please provide a one page plan summarising how you would run the JPDU training.

[4] Proven interpersonal and team-work skills.

[5] A commitment to encouraging and supporting a wide variety of people to debate, including the ability and capacity to develop ways to extend the reach of ESL debating training.