Friday, November 11, 2005

Welcome New Members

Free Debate held a function to welcome over 15 new members. Our new members will help us provide more and a greater range of Services.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tim Sonnreich Honoured

The Monash Association of Debaters (MAD) honoured Free Debate member Tim Sonnreich with Life Membership at their 2005 AGM reflecting his long and distinguished service to the Association.

You can find out more about Tim's debating career with MAD here.

Monday, September 05, 2005

AMES Footscray

Free Debate conducted four debating seminars for the Adult Multicultural Education Service (AMES) in Footscray. Kim Little, Kylie Lane and Rob Koh led the 90 minute sessions covering basic speaking skills, constructing arguments, choosing relevant examples and rebuttal. The AMES students debated a range of topics and particularly enjoyed rebutting each other.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

SAIL Pilot Programme

Free Debate conducted three seminars for the Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning (SAIL). SAIL is a not-for-profit organisation that provides tutors to refugees of all ages, to help them with everything from basic language skills to academic tutoring for school-aged children. Kim Little and Tim Sonnreich ran a three-day adult’s introductory course on public speaking and communication skills Migrant Education Service in Footscray.

Free Debate was very grateful for the opportunity to work with SAIL, which is an outstanding community group whose aims complement our own, and we look forward to developing the relationship further.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

MUDS Public Debate

Three of our members took part in Melbourne University Debating Society (MUDS) 2005 public debate. Kim Little, Liz Sheargold and Rob Koh joined several expert speakers and MUDS debaters in a friendly exhibition debate on the topic That Medicare Should Not Fund Abortions.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Free Debate Incorporates

Free Debate is a non-profit apolitical organisation incorporated in Victoria, Australia. Founded by a group of experienced debaters, we seek to provide debate-related services and resources to the under-privileged, the under-represented and the under-prepared.

Please see About for more information about Free Debate.